
The Leadership Travel Guide

Heiko pens the first issue of "The Leadership Travel Guide", a weekly newsletter reflecting on countless aspects of becoming better at managing people and a more effective (and liked) leader. The newsletter aims to provide first-hand guidance on what works and how it can be applied in leadership positions ranging from being the executive of a large company, running a team in a hierarchical organization, heading a small research lab, chairing a committee of peers-or raising your teenage kids.
The Leadership Travel Guide is only available through a (free) newsletter subscription. Subscribers receive one issue per week, packed with practical advice and thoughts on leadership challenges—from personal improvement and self-reflection to strategic planning and recruitment.

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Sydney Ideas: What COVID forgot

Listen to the podcast Op-ed article

It's time to address the lack of public health data in Australia

Against the backdrop of Melbourne’s Stage 4 Restrictions, Victoria’s State of Disaster and diminishing personal freedom in other parts of Australia, Heiko appeals in "Pearls and Irritation" to the Australian mateship to share public health data to fight COVID-19.

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Inspired by colour and light

Fullfilling a long dream, Gisela recently released two Websites showcasing her "other" talent and love of working with glass. Her brand A Fiery Heart comprises small handmade collections of accent jewellery and home decor, whereas Upcycled Bottle Art offers unique and eco-friendly gifts for foodies and wine lovers.

A Fiery Heart Upcycled Bottle Art

COVID-19 Sydney Policy Paper In Depth co-authored by Heiko Spallek

The Sydney Policy Lab is a major multidisciplinary initiative of the University of Sydney which aims to find new solutions for the biggest challenges of our age. COVID-19 Sydney Policy Papers provide expert guidance to decisionmakers and the broader public with specialised analysis and policy recommendations in individual policy domains.

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Giving back: Pro bono Website released

We've collaborated with the Adrenal Insufficiency Coalition in creating a Website to raise awareness about Adrenal Insufficiency, a rare and underdiagnosed disease. The site offers in-depth information about Adrenal Insufficiency, easy to download emergency instruction sheets for patients and their families/caregivers as well as an extensive library with a collection of article for the lay public and medical profession.

Visit Website

Explaining Adrenal Insufficiency

As a physician with over 20 years experience of presenting medical information and data in an easy to understand format for the layperson, Gisela wrote a detailed patient information guide based on an extensive review of current clinical research on adrenal insufficiency.

Patient information: Adrenal Insufficiency

eHealth Conference organised Heiko Spallek

In his role as Academic Lead Digital Health and Health Service Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Heiko organised a conference showcasing exciting and innovative research on the inter-relationship between health and digital technologies. The meeting featured keynote speaker Dr Charles Friedman, University of Michigan, with the keynote address: Envisioning a National Learning Health System as well as a number of thought leaders.

Watch here   More about the event

Professor Heiko Spallek takes second place at the inaugural Westmead Redevelopment’s Photography Competition.

Photographers from all over the world submitted more than 790 entries for the chance to have their work displayed in the new Central Acute Services Building, due to open on 20 October 2020. Minister for Arts Donald Harwin announced the winners on Thursday 13 Feburary 2020, with 26 photographs chosen to be installed.
The photographic competition is part of the Westmead Redevelopment’s Art and Culture Strategy. This strategy brings together partners from The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, the University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital to ensure art is embedded in the DNA across the Westmead Health Precinct.

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